Carbs? Yup! Carbs are often glorified as the ultimate bad guy as far as nutritio…
Carbs? Yup! Carbs are often glorified as the ultimate bad guy as far as nutrition goes. Hence the creation of diets such as Atkins Paleo & Ketogentics. All promote low to no carbs high fat and protein habits. BUT are carbs really that bad for us? NOPE! Carbs are the number ONE source of energy for our body and brain for that matter. What matters most is the QUALITY of carb we are eating. Yes eating white breads chips french fries bagels and beer will do harm. (People will refer to pizza and doughnuts as a carb even though the fat count is much higher making it a Fat food more than carbs.) The kinds of carbs you want to get in is things like Potatoes Rice Quinoa CousCous Barley Farro EVERY vegetable and fruit even whole grain pasta isn’t too bad (unless you are loading with sauces heavy). “Our brains are specifically designed to operate on glucose 99% of our waking lives and when glucose is in short supply the results can be disastrous.” –MangoManNutrition…. Carbs provide us with plenty glucose which gives us energy and helps our brains work optimally. So make sure the quality of carbs you are getting are not highly processed aim for whole foods as mentioned above. Don’t demonize carbs and go on a low carb diet instead aim to eat a more wholesome nutritionally dense foods. Keep fat intake low (20%) and you will see great results without feeling exhausted from not having the energy due to carb restriction. #GorillaGrounds #AdaptToStrength #Carbs #Nutrition #Health #Wellness #WholeFoods #CTFU #Glucose #BrainFood #Fitness #Paleo #Atkins #Keto #LowCarb #HighCarb #LowFat #HighFat #Energy #Strength #Stamina #PersonalTrainer #VeganAthlete by gorilla.grounds
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